Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process: Notes of the Seminars given by Jung in Bailey Island and New York, 1936-7

Edited by Suzanne Gieser

In 1935, Jung delivered a major presentation entitled “Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process” at the Eranos conference in Ascona, based on the dreams of the nuclear physicist and Nobel prize winner, Wolfgang Pauli. In 1944, Jung reworked this material into Psychology and Alchemy (CW, Volume 12). In 1936 and 1937, Jung delivered consecutive seminars in Bailey Island, Maine, and in New York, in which he went into far greater detail concerning the personal aspects of Pauli’s dreams. These seminars also comprised Jung’s most extensive presentations in America.

The almost verbatim transcript of these seminars shows the way in which Jung spoke in English in front of an audience of about 100 largely American analysts and analysands, including exposition of his spontaneous responses to questions. The comparison with the published texts sheds light on the differences between how Jung presented his material to the scholarly world and how he presented it to his followers.

The publication of the notes from these seminars will contribute to a fuller understanding of Jung and Pauli’s relationship and their dialogue concerning the relation of physics to psychology. The seminars further elucidate their decades-long correspondence published in Atom & Archetype: The Jung/Pauli Letters, 1932-1958 (edited by C. A. Meier, translated by David Roscoe), with a preface by Beverley Zabriskie.


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